Buddhist Churches of America is an incorporated non-profit religious corporation of American Shin Buddhists situated within the continental United States. BCA is affiliated with the Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji ha denomination located in Kyoto, Japan.
Inspired by the legacy of Shinran Shonin, the mission of the Buddhist Churches of America's Center for Buddhist Education (CBE) is to provide diverse learning opportunities to deepen the understanding and appreciation of Buddha’s wisdom and compassion among sangha leaders and the broader community.
As an educational arm of the Buddhist Churches of America (BCA), CBE offers programs to support the continuing education of BCA ministers, training of ministers assistants, temple leaders, Dharma School teachers, youth groups, affiliated organizations and others interested in exploring Jodo Shinshu Buddhism in America.
Wheel of Dharma
The Wheel of Dharma is the print publication of the BCA. This monthly publication features stories about Jodo Shinshu Buddhism, occasional articles on general Buddhism, and church/temple news. This publication also includes a Japanese language section.
BCA Center for Buddhist Education YouTube Talks
Check out BCA's YouTube Channel! Here you will find Dharma talks about various aspects of Shin Buddhism, and Buddhism in general, by some of the leading experts in the field.
The Midwest Buddhist Temple (MBT) is a temple of the Jodo Shinshu school of Buddhism, with roots in the Pure Land Buddhist tradition. The MBT is located in Chicago, Illinois and like the Cleveland Buddhist Sangha it has its roots in the Japanese resettlement era during WWII.
Jodo Shinshu Correspondence Course
This is a 2-year online correspondence course offered by the Buddhist Churches of America, allowing students to gain basic knowledge of Jodo Shinshu and Buddhism in general. In addition, an optional workshop is offered every summer so that students may have the opportunity to communicate in person as well as through the Internet.
Institute of Buddhist Studies
Established in 1949, the Institute of Buddhist Studies (IBS) provides graduate-level Buddhist education, ministerial and chaplaincy training, and other educational programs. In affiliation with the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, Calif., a fully accredited master’s degree in Buddhist Studies is offered. In addition to formal degree programs or ministerial education, the IBS offers lectures and publications available to the lay public through its website.
BCA Bookstore
Offers a wide variety of books in Pure Land, Zen, Theravada, Tiwwwn and other Buddhist traditions. Topics range from introductions for beginners to translations of sutras for scholars.