Come As You Are and See Us
The Cleveland Buddhist Temple has resumed monthly services and we would love to see you there, exactly as you are! We are collocated with the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Cleveland at 21600 Shaker Blvd, Shaker Heights, OH 44122. Please check out calendar or subscribe to our newsletter for more information!
Cleveland Buddhist Temple News
Everything changes, including the Cleveland Buddhist Temple. In order to continue to share the Buddha Dharma and Shin Buddhist teachings, we reorganized to a more simple organization.
The Covid-19 pandemic changed most things including organizations that rely totally on volunteers. In the summer of 2020, the Board and the membership of the CBT voted to dissolve this formal structure and simplify how we follow the Shin Buddhist teachings.
Rev. Ron Miyamura of the Midwest Buddhist Temple in Chicago will continue to provide guidance and support as our Supervising Minister. Tokudo Minister, Rev. Anita will continue local leadership.
Sharing the Buddha-dharma is our purpose. With no organizational burden we aspire to use our resources and talents to reach more people as we explore new ways of sharing Shin Buddhist teachings.
We encourage formal membership of the BCA by joining the Midwest Buddhist Temple in Chicago ( Please check out our new web page as it continues to evolve and include information and links you have requested. Donations to the Cleveland Buddhist Temple can be made through the Midwest Buddhist Temple. Please see our Support page for more detail.
Our CBT message remains the same: Come as you are.
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Be Here and Now
"Pure Land Buddhism might suggest an otherworldly orientation, but its primary focus is on the here and now. Not the here and now grasped by the controlling ego-self but the here and now cherished as a gift of life itself to be lived creatively and gratefully, granted us by boundless compassion. The bountifulness of great compassion makes possible our liberation from the iron cage of our own making."
-- Taitetsu Unno
Have a question about Buddhism? Ask Rev. Anita
Who We Are
Our Sangha continues to share the Buddha Dharma with you and provides you a forum to meet and practice the Shin Buddhist path.
We welcome people of all people , just as you are, to increase your understanding of Buddhism. The Shin Path is the path for the lay person. The lay person is one who has a family, works, has secular responsibilities must live life in this world. We do not have monks or nuns. The Shin Path tells us to “come as you are.”
A little history of the Cleveland Buddhist Temple
During World War II, Japanese citizens living on the West Coast of the United States were uprooted by the U.S. government and sent to live in internment camps, losing homes and livelihoods as a result. Upon discharge from the camps, they resettled in cities around the country to begin rebuilding their lives.
Japanese-American Buddhists who settled in Cleveland, Ohio strongly desired to gather and practice Buddhism together. In 1945, they formed the Cleveland Young Buddhist Association. This later evolved into the Cleveland Buddhist Temple, an affiliate of the Buddhist Churches of America, a Jodo Shinshu, or “Pure Land” organization.
Today, the Cleveland Buddhist Temple is a community committed to sharing wisdom and compassion through the teachings of Buddha.