Service Updates_OLD

Services Status in the time of COVID-19

Cleveland Buddhist Temple In Person Services

The Cleveland Buddhist Temple has suspended its services but looks forward to resuming them once it is safe. Watch our newsletter for the most current updates.


We continue to perform wedding services. An indoor wedding service needs to meet social distancing guidelines for the number in attendance. Outdoor weddings, where space allows, may be larger.  We have a lovely garden and a large social hall. The ceremony may also be conducted at your location of choice. Please contact Rev. Anita to discuss all options.

Infant Presentation (Hatsu Mairi Ceremony)

Infant Presentation Ceremony may be conducted as a private service. Please contact Rev. Anita.


The funeral home you select will offer guidelines.  If you wish to hold the funeral service at the Cleveland Buddhist Temple, please contact Rev. Anita for details.

Makuragyo Service (Pillow Service)

At this time, given the circumstances, it is not safe or advisable for people to go to a hospital to hold this service.  It may be conducted in a private room at the funeral home the next day. As circumstances are changing, these guidelines will also change. Please contact us for the most current status.

Memorial Services

Our Monthly Memorial Service are suspended in addition to our Jōdo Shinshū Service.  Once we resume services, we will recite all the names from March forward.  Please continue to submit names of loved ones and we will register them.

Namo Amida Butsu